Kostenlose Immobilienbewertung in Berlin - Der erste Schritt zum erfolgreichen Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie
Sie möchten Ihre Wohnung in Berlin erfolgreich verkaufen? Eine objektive, individuelle und realistische Preiseinschätzung ist ein entscheidender erster Schritt bei der Vermarktung Ihrer Immobilie. Denn nur so lässt sich der ideale Angebotspreis für Ihre Immobilie bestimmen. Unsere Experten mit langjähriger Erfahrung am Berliner Immobilienmarkt bewerten Ihre Immobilie individuell und unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Marktgeschehens. Im Ergebnis erhalten Sie transparent und nachvollziehbar unsere Einschätzung über den realistischen Marktpreis Ihrer Immobilie - nehmen Sie jetzt mit uns Kontakt auf!
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Online price estimation is based on purely statistical data on regional, previous sales. This is useful in order to get a first impression of the sale price. In addition, a personal conversation with you is important in order to find out more about the property. During an on-site assessment, our agent can also analyse local conditions and get a detailed impression of your property. This is the only way to achieve a profound and valuable
property valuation.
- Comparative sales value: This method is suitable for residential properties for which there are comparable properties on the market. The prices of the properties sold are compared. This method is helpful if there are similarities in terms of location, equipment, size and layout.
- Real value method: If there is no comparable property, we calculate what the new construction of the property would cost. Then we deduct the usage and thus determine a current property value.
- Income value method: Our real estate appraiser in Berlin calculates the expected income for properties to be rented. This results in the value of the investment.
The value of the property is influenced by many features and characteristics. The location, the year of construction, the condition and the equipment are particularly important for the value of your property. In addition, the demand, which always depends on the current real estate market, also plays an important role. Our experienced real estate agents will help you to find the right way to sell your property.